Tom Radford to seek PC nomination in Alberton-Bloomfield

Kildare - Kildare resident and retired geophysicist Tom Radford is seeking the Progressive Conservative nomination in District 26 Alberton-Bloomfield.

"I believe that an elected official needs to have values and integrity and demonstrate those when they do their job.  It’s the people of District 26 that I will answer to, not some non-elected bureaucrat or special interest. That’s who I am and that’s my commitment," says Radford.


A graduate of the University of British Columbia, Radford worked in the energy sector as a geophysicist for two decades, living and working across the globe in North America, Asia, Europe, Africa and the Middle East during his career.


Radford wants to focus on the many issues around health care that impact families and seniors in the district including limited access to family doctors and emergency room services, trouble recruiting and keeping doctors, and growing demand for community care and long-term care beds.


"If we are willing to stand up and say that this matters to our community then I think that we can work together to find a solution but it will take a lot of hard work and I just don’t see this current government making health care in West Prince much of a priority,” says Radford.


Radford lives in Kildare with his wife Heather.


The PC nomination for District 26 Alberton-Bloomfield will be held on March 25th at the Mill River Resort beginning at 6:00 p.m.